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Take the next step towards a better life

empatia [ehm-pah-tee-ah]

It means empathy; seeing with the eyes of another, putting ourselves into their shoes to truly understand their perspective. For us, that's the first step in working with you - so we made it our name.


Even the strongest among us can feel lost, at times. Taking the next step and asking for help when we are struggling can be daunting and often the hardest thing to do, but here you are.


My name is Gary Bunker and I offer you a safe, non-judgmental space to share your story and work through the concerns that have brought you here today. You and I will work collaboratively, at your own pace to ensure you get the most out of our sessions. Together we will work on your goals, explore practical solutions and find the right path forward for you. 


Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy I can help you with your career, your relationships, grief and loss or anything else that’s important to you. I’ll help you develop the habits and skills to effectively deal with the challenges and emotional moments you may encounter in life. We offer online counselling so you can receive counselling in your own home, at times that work for you.


I am an Illawarra local but work online to provide flexible and accessible counselling. Sessions are available during the day, early evenings and on Saturday mornings.


Ready to talk but not sure where to start? Book in a free connection call with me - I'm here and ready to listen. 

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity."

~ Amelia Earhart

An image of Gary with his dog Mancha, who's trying to lick him

Meet Gary

Certified Counsellor

I'm a family man with six kids (five with two legs, and Mancha here with four). In my spare time I write, take photos and love to cook.  


I have a passion for helping people, whether that's through volunteering at GriefLine, or through my counselling services.


Whilst I'm here to help in general, my particular focus areas are grief and loss, depression, anxiety, workplace stress, burnout and the setting and managing of life goals. 


I work with both men and women aged 18 and over. If I don't feel I'm the best possible counsellor for your needs, I will refer you to someone who's a better fit.

We can help with

Issues with blended families, communication and relationships

Depression, anxiety, stress and general distresses in life

Improved self-esteem and boost self-confidence and self-image

Finding new resolutions to issues and concerns

Processing grief and loss

Getting 'unstuck' from unhealthy patterns and developing new behaviours

Managing addictive tendencies in your life

Our services

Not sure where to start? Request a call to have a chat with me first.

Online Counselling

We all need help sometimes to face life's challenges. If you're feeling stuck, reach out. I can help.

Walk and talk therapy

It can be easier to talk to someone whilst we move. We run sessions in Wollongong at the lighthouse - 'Top Deck'

Family support counselling

Parents sometimes need support in order to best support the family. We help families to cope. 

Family at a Beach

Whether your loss is a close loved one, a friend or a pet, grief can threaten to swallow us whole. Don't struggle alone, I can help.

Image by Nitin Mathew

Blogging good reads

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